It seems that safety has been more of a buzzword for businesses this year than ever before. However, there is always more than can be done to help protect people and reduce risk in ATEX Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 hazardous areas. Afterall, these are not operations that can be complacent which is one of the reasons we’ve recently introduced Pyroban Red EX Line™ perimeter marking lights for ATEX compliant lift trucks.

Here’s what you need to know about our new explosion proof Red Line lights.

It helps keep people safe

Our Pyroban explosion proof perimeter lights are quickly and easily fitted to ATEX forklifts, and emit a clear red light signal onto the floor around the truck. This may help pedestrians or other lift truck operators to be more aware of the trucks’ presence, thereby reducing the risk of an incident occurring that results in injury or explosion.

It can reduce hazards from damage

In warehouse aisles or crossings where IBCs or drums may be handled, but visibility is poor, Red EX Line can be particularly helpful for improving safety. In production or storage applications where hazardous or flammable materials are being handled, there are extra safety implications. Damage to a load due to an incident could cause an unexpected and dangerous release of a flammable substance.

It’s explosion proof!

Red Ex Line is ATEX* EX II 2G/D compliant for operations in Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 hazardous areas. It has a 50,000-hour light life span and diecast aluminium construction, as well as being dust tight (IP6X) and can be used in ambient temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees C.

What does this mean in plain English? It means that Pyroban’s Red EX Line is suitable for fitting to lift trucks which are working where spillage or accidental release of flammable material may create an explosive atmosphere. For example, applications storing or handling chemicals, solvents, waste, paints, whisky or foodstuffs. And that it is built to last.

You can fit it instantly

As safety is paramount, fitting Red EX Line can be done quickly and easily in the field by a suitably trained engineer. It works with any type of lift truck, of any age, from any manufacturer (including trucks Ex-converted by other companies).

Or to make things really simple, we can supply factory-fitted Red Ex Line warning lights with any new Pyroban explosion protected forklifts that you order.

It’s our smallest solution to date

Red EX Line is much smaller than any previous solutions measuring just W 76mm, H 72.5mm by D 75mm and weighing only 0.37kg. There is now no need to modify red perimeter lights that you supply to us which is more costly and a lot larger when finished and it’s ideal with Pyroban Blue EX Spot™

Those fitting Red Line perimeter lights to forklifts operating in potentially explosive atmospheres can also add the new Pyroban Blue EX Spot driving path warning system.

With similar robust and explosion proof design, this compact and simple off the shelf solution may add an extra layer of protection for ATEX zoned applications. It emits a blue light onto the ground to indicate to other lift truck operators and pedestrians that a truck is approaching, helping reduce the risk of an incident. Find out more.

Order now

Both Red EX Line and Blue EX Spot are available off the shelf right now. Contact our team to place an order or call us on +44 1273 456825 if you have any other questions about how these solutions can support safety in your hazardous materials handling application.