Logistics businesses storing, handling or transporting flammable or explosive materials will likely have designated Zone 2 hazardous areas as defined in the ATEX Directive. Here, a gas or vapour release is possible, but not usually expected unless there is an accidental spillage or release.

To keep people safe in Zone 2 logistics operations, equipment and vehicle operators should be made aware of any explosion risk with active gas detection.

system6000 is Pyroban’s most popular solution for mobile equipment in Zone 2 hazardous areas.

Here are four reasons why you should get active with system6000 in your Zone 2 logistics operation.

1. Operators know when there is a problem

Without active gas detection (and shutdown) on your Zone 2 materials handling equipment, operators can be ‘blind’ to the presence of potentially explosive gas or vapour, putting people, the company’s reputation and the supply chain at risk.

However, with system6000, which features active gas detection to alert operators to the presence of a potentially explosive atmosphere alongside various explosion protection technologies, if gas/vapour is detected at 10% LEL (propane in air), operators will get a visual/audible warning and can drive away from the area, warning any colleagues of the imminent danger. Or, if gas/vapour levels rise to 25% LEL (propane in air), the truck will automatically be brought to a controlled stop preventing any explosions and protecting the people and the site.

2. It protects all of your equipment types

Forklifts, cranes, access platforms, VNAs, pallet trucks and sweepers are commonly needed in Zone 2 logistics operations all over the world. These can be either diesel or electric. system6000 is suitable for use with all types and brands of diesel and electric materials handling and plant equipment.

The active explosion protection package offers maximum safety with the minimum of impact on your trucks, retaining the original ergonomics and specification.

3. Active detection, no matter the load

The unique system6000 solution is available with either a pellistor or infrared based active gas detection system to deliver a safe solution for the particular types of loads being handled.

So, logistics operations handling a wide range of different potentially flammable products such as chemicals to paints/coatings, will find that a pellistor based active gas detection system will help protect people.

For operations with single (or few) hazard types, infrared technology is usually most suitable. Logistics operations solely handling alcoholic spirits, cosmetics or aerosols tend to choose system6000 with the infrared option.

4. Active support from Pyroban

For those operations with equipment that has been converted for Zone 2 with system6000, our ‘best in class’ service actively supports logistics operations all over the world.

From parts and technical support, through to training and Annual Safety Audits (Ex-ASA), Pyroban helps logistics operations to protect people while keeping lifetime equipment costs low.

If you’re a logistics operation with Zone 2 areas, get in touch with our expert team to discuss how we can help actively protect your people with system6000.

Or come and see Pyroban at LogiMAT 2020. Find us on stand B38 in Hall 9 at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre in Germany from 10th – 12th March 2020.