Due to developing technologies and the updated European Standard EN1755:2015, there are now new requirements for the testing and approval of the enclosures which house motors, wiring, switches and more on explosion protected lift trucks. This affects motor design and is just one of many recent changes to the way that ATEX compliant lift trucks must be converted.

EN1755:2015 Background

The EN1755:2015 European standard supersedes EN1755:2000 and became mandatory from November 2017, affecting the technical makeup of all ATEX 2014/34/EU truck conversions. In particular, it has affected the technical design of Pyroban’s system6000™, a conversion for lift trucks used in Zone 2 hazardous areas.

System6000 – for lift trucks in Zone 2 hazardous areas

Pyroban’s system6000 is an explosion proof lift truck conversion that combines gas detection with various explosion protection methods such as restricted breathing enclosures, stainless steel cladding of forks and surface temperature cooling to ensure the engine, motors, brakes, electrics and other components remain below the auto-ignition temperatures of flammable materials.

Restricted Breathing Enclosures – Ex nR

Restricted breathing enclosures, also known as Ex nR, are an important part of a Pyroban conversion.  All arcing and sparking components on a lift truck are risk assessed and fitted in restricted breathing enclosures to restrict the ingress of any flammable gas/vapour.

This means that a lot of the switches are housed in enclosures, as well as the motors.

What’s changed under EN1755:2015?

The testing of the restricted breathing enclosures on ATEX compliant lift trucks and vehicles has been redefined. Restricted breathing enclosures now require vacuum performance testing to satisfy EN1755:2015 and EN60079-15:2010. For compliance and safety, the enclosure should be tested and approved annually.

Factory testing and Annual Safety Audit

Pyroban conducts these nR tests in the factory as new ATEX compliant lift trucks are manufactured, and on-site tests can be conducted by  Pyroban field service engineers as part of the EX ASA annual safety audit.

Does your supplier do this test?

Pyroban conversions do not compromise on safety.  We have invested heavily in making sure our conversions and service offering fully complies with all the required legislation and more importantly, are safe for operation within a hazardous area.

For more information, contact us.