Protecting people is always Pyroban’s top priority. That is why during the coronavirus pandemic, our work to keep people safe in potentially explosive atmospheres is as critical as ever.

Supporting critical industries

Many of the businesses that we support with explosion protected materials handling or plant equipment are working in what the UK government considers critical sectors. Several are producing vital goods or delivering services to aid the coronavirus effort.

In these applications where there is a risk of explosion, using standard equipment is not safe at any time, including during the current pandemic. Likewise, using converted equipment that is in need of service or repair can also put people in danger.

Beyond this, an incident of ignition could also threaten the essential supply chain, having even further reaching consequences during these challenging times.

Keeping operations running

In line with government advice, Pyroban is continuing to serve the needs of customers with critical operations in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Our service teams are considered key workers for critical industries, providing equipment, maintenance services and back-up support to keep factories and logistics operations operational. Ex-ASA Annual Safety Audits can also still take place if we are permitted to enter your site.

While some of our processes may have changed and additional health and hygiene measures must currently be observed, both at our premises and those of customers, we remain fully operational and dedicated to keeping people safe.

To all our customers in critical industries

You have our full support during this time to ensure that maintaining safety in relation to explosion risk can remain a top priority, alongside the important work your team is doing every day to help protect the safety of the nation.

Do not hesitate to contact us as you usually would to discuss how we can support your requirements.