During the coronavirus pandemic, many industrial, manufacturing and logistics businesses have taken the step of banning external parties from entering their site. So, what does this mean for repair, maintenance and inspection of your explosion protected materials handling equipment?

As always, safety is Pyroban’s top priority. We totally understand that measures restricting external visitors to a site have been put in place to help protect people and reduce the spread of the coronavirus.  We also appreciate that many customers with Pyroban explosion protection for forklifts and other materials handling equipment are servicing critical sectors during these unprecedented events and can’t shut down operations completely.

However, despite this, materials handling equipment operating in potentially explosive atmospheres still needs to be properly protected. And if maintenance or repair requirements on this equipment, and its explosion protection systems, is overlooked, this poses a very serious risk both to people and the supply chain.

A statement issued earlier this week supported this:

“The joint recommendation from BITA, the FLTA and the Health and Safety Executive, is that scheduled maintenance, repairs and statutory inspections must be considered essential ongoing activities”.

Your Annual Safety Audits (Ex-ASAs) for materials handling equipment should still take place. So, how can we help?

Firstly, if we are permitted to enter your site, as long as the government’s social distancing rules are strictly adhered to and hygiene measures are taken accordingly, our service engineers can still visit your site to conduct an Ex-ASA or conduct other maintenance.  You can book a service visit now as you ordinarily would. Our customer service staff are working from home we are fully operational and can be reached with our usual contact details.

If we cannot enter your site but you require an audit, service or repair, please contact us so that we can discuss how we can meet your specific requirements. There are different measures we are currently putting into place with several clients to adhere to their safety rules, as well as guidance from the UK government and the HSE.

These are unprecedented times, but it remains important for us all to actively keep people safe.  If you require further information or advice, email us or call +44 (0) 1273 456825.