On 20th and 21st September Antonio Consoli, Sales Manager for Pyroban in France, Italy and Spain, presented a paper on the updates to EN1755:2015 at Chimie Lyon 2017, an exhibition devoted to the French chemical industry.

The updated EN1755:2015 affects ATEX lift truck orders placed in 2017 and ongoing maintenance requirements thereafter. The changes mean that the technical makeup of an ATEX 2014/34/EU forklift truck will be different.

Requirements have changed for tyres, seats, batteries, and other ancillary products, and service engineers will need to be trained for the new requirements.

Antonio also explained the importance of the annual safety audit Ex-ASA to maintain safety and compliance throughout the lifetime of an ATEX lift truck and demonstrated Pyroban’s system6000 safety system on the Pyroban stand.

Many existing and potential customers from across France visited the Pyroban stand and a number of site visits were arranged.

Visit www.pyroban.com for more information, or to download the White Paper ‘Preparing for the EN1755 Update – are you ready?’